PMA CECs: 3 (complete the quiz)
In this online Pilates workshop, you will learn how to successfully train your clients to perform side bend mermaid on the mat and snake on the reformer. During this workshop, Nikki Chrysostomou will help you to understand how to train the upper body for more advanced exercises.
PMA CECs: 3 (complete the quiz)
Nikki Chrysostomou explores the lower leg from the knee to the foot. Nikki will be looking at posture alignment from the knee down to the foot, discussing tibia bowing, tibia torsion, bow leg and knock knee. This workshop begins reviewing basic anatomy on a skeleton, including the 4 compartments of the foot and leg. The workshop then progresses into exercises on the Mat and Pilates Equipment to help common leg alignment pathologies mentioned above.
PMA CECs: 3 (complete the quiz)
Adding props to your mat classes is always fun and refreshing. In this online Pilates workshop, Nikki Chrysostomou teaches creative movements using a mat, weighted pole (dowel) and the Pilates Arc. Learn exercises for whole body integration in standing, prone, sitting, side-lying and supine positions. Learn exercises with the arc upside down, step on / off. Observe Nikki teaching a client and learn simple cues, teaching techniques, progressions, variations, alternatives and of course safety when using the arc & pole. This workshop is designed for instructors who are looking for inspiration for healthy clients. Included is an exercise handout sheet and a sample class.
PMA CECs: 3 (complete the quiz)
During this workshop we will be adding rotation of the shoulders, spine & hips to 22 Pilates exercises using the Trapeze Table, Spine Corrector, Reformer, Ladder Barrel, Chair & Mat. Each exercise will be demonstrated and taught accompanied with the do’s and don’ts along with its purpose and teaching points.
Rotation is a basic movement that occurs in the transverse plane as you turn around on a longitudinal axis. Adding rotation to your workout will increase mobility and strength through the joints, better functional movement, increased performance in sports, decrease in tension and an increase in feeling centred and energised.
This workshop is suitable for any instructor who is looking for new ideas and inspiration and is interested in exploring ways of taking Pilates exercises and becoming creative in adding props / toys to help challenge their client deeper.